The Society is established as a 501(c)(3) non-profit, non-stock, organization exclusively for not-for-profit purposes as described above and shall include:
A. Perpetuating Scottish history, traditions and culture;
B. Collecting and preserving books and documents pertaining to the history and traditions of the Morrison Clan;
C. Promoting regular communication between members, the Executive Committee, and the Chief of Clan Morrison by regular publications and meetings.
D. Promoting fellowship among the members by sponsoring and encouraging attendance at local activities and events of interest to the Scottish community.
E. Promoting the continuance of Scottish and Celtic Arts, Education and Athletics through scholarships for the study of, but not limited to, Highland and Scottish Country dance; music such as the bagpipes, harp and fiddle; Scottish Heavy Athletics; and History, Genealogy and Language, such as Scots Gaelic.
F. Promoting, through fund raising activities, any Scientific and Archaeological investigations and charitable work pertaining to the Morrison Clan deemed appropriate by the Executive Committee and the General membership.
If you would like your donation to go to a specific cause, send us a message in the CONTACT US page and let us know.
Specific causes include:
1. The general operating fund,
2. The Scholarship Fund,
3. A specific convener's tent at a Highland Game.
If not specified, any donation will go into the general fund.